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Laser Hair Removal up to 50% Off
HIFU treatments up to 50% off
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Laser Hair Removal up to 50% Off
HIFU treatments up to 50% off
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Laser Hair Removal up to 50% Off
HIFU treatments up to 50% off
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Beauty Aura

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Commitment

Your privacy rights are important to us and we take the responsibility of handling your personal information as set out in our Privacy Policy very seriously. Beauty Aura are committed to being open and transparent about how we manage your personal information.

We encourage you to carefully read this Privacy Policy as it will help you to make informed decisions about sharing your information with us.

At Beauty Aura we have a few fundamental principles:

We will always collect, store, use and disclose personal information in accordance with all applicable privacy laws.

We will only use your personal information when it is necessary for us to deliver you our services or perform other necessary business functions and activities.

We will not use or disclose your personal information for purposes unrelated to our business activities and the services we provide for individuals, unless we first obtain your consent.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy sets out how Beauty Aura complies with our privacy obligations under the the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. We are bound by the requirements of those privacy laws, regulate how we may collect, store, use, disclose and otherwise handle your personal and sensitive information. Those laws also specify other requirements, such as how individuals can access, correct and delete personal information held about them.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy “personal information” means information about an identifiable individual and may include some or all of the following (note that this list is not exhaustive): a client’s name, contact details, date of birth, emergency contact details, bank account and/or credit card details, emails, addresses, telephone numbers, other identification details, payment history, treatment details, before and after photographs and other sensitive information.

When we say “sensitive information” we mean a special category of personal information containing health information, regarding racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, genetic data, and so on.

In this Privacy Policy “we”, “us”, “our” and “Beauty Aura” collectively refers to Beauty Aura, Beauty Aura and each of those company’s franchisee companies.

Your Consent

Beauty Aura operates in the cosmetic treatment industry, providing our customers with laser packages, skin and body treatments, the retail sale of associated beauty products and other related services, (“Services”). Our business relies on the collection of personal information that is submitted by you, or with your authority, to enable us to provide you with the Services.

By using our Services or providing your personal information to us, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may amend the terms of this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by positing an updated version on our website or by sending you a notice via email. It is your responsibility to check this Privacy Policy periodically for changes and to keep your email address current.

Your continued use of our Services following notification of any changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes. If you do not agree with any aspect of the updated Privacy Policy, you must immediately inform us and stop using our Services.

What Information Do We Collect?

Information You Provide to Us Directly: Our usual practice is to collect personal information directly from you, when you complete any form, including online forms, or otherwise register to use any of our Services, or provide any other information in connection with your use of our Services. A few examples include:

Personal details such as: your given name(s), photographs of you, in connection with your treatment(s) (in which case we will always maintain your photographs recording your health or treatment in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including the Health Information Privacy Code 2020).

Demographic information such as: gender; date of birth; age; title.

Health information such as: information about your health (including your medical history), information about any health services that are being (or have been) provided to you, or information about you which is collected before or in the course of (or incidental to) the provision of any health service to you.

Consent records such as: records of any consent you may have given and the subject matter of that consent.

Sensitive information: we may collect or obtain sensitive information (such as health information) directly from you or from any other source with our authorisation.

Information we get from third parties: We collect or obtain personal information from authorised third parties (e.g. credit reference agencies, law enforcement agencies). This includes information such as public information, background checks such as with a credit agency or other sources in order to check, exchange or provide information in relation to your use of the Services.

Information we collect automatically: We may collect personal information about you automatically when you visit our website or use our Services, like your IP address and device type. Some of this information may be collected using cookies and similar tracking technologies.

Information we create in the performance of the Services: We may also create or obtain personal information in providing you with the Services.

Information you make public: We may collect or obtain your personal information that you manifestly choose to make public, including via online channels such as social media.

You don’t always need to identify yourself when you deal with us (e.g. to find out more about treatments or products) however in certain situations we will only deal with individuals who have identified themselves to us or it may mean we are unable to provide you with the Services

How Is Your Personal Information Processed?

Where we collect personal information or sensitive information, we will only process it:

to perform a contract with you or to provide the Services to you; or

where we have legitimate interests to process the personal information or sensitive information and these interests are not overridden by your rights; or

in accordance with a legal obligation; or

where we have your consent.

Beauty Aura collects your personal information so that we can provide you with the Services and any related services you may request. In doing so, Beauty Aura may use the personal information we have collected from you for purposes related to the Services including:

to fulfil obligations pursuant to a client’s request for, and Beauty Aura’ agreement to provide, Services, products and/or any other agreement between him/her and Beauty Aura or Beauty Aura;

to render Services to the client and to help us develop, improve, manage, administer and facilitate our Services and business operations;

to provide information about products, Services and/or special offers;

to obtain opinions or comments about products and/or Services from members;

to record statistical data for marketing analysis from clients, provided that it will not be published in a way that the client concerned could reasonably be expected to be identified. for our internal business purposes;

to contact any credit agency, referee or other source in order to check, exchange or provide information in relation to you;

to provide any information and records regarding your health and treatment to any person properly appointed to audit our Services; and

to comply with all laws and regulations in all applicable jurisdictions.

Beauty Aura may employ other companies or service providers to assist us in providing our Services, including (but not limited to) marketing, market research, mail-house services, hosting and product development services, analysis of client lists and/ or consulting services. These third parties may have access to your personal information that is needed to perform their specific function, but we will ensure that we do not permit them to use your personal information for other purposes.

By using the Services, you consent to your personal information and sensitive information being collected, stored, used and disclosed in this way and for any other use you authorise. Beauty Aura will only use your personal information for purposes described in this Privacy Policy, or with your consent.

In What Very Limited Circumstances Might We Disclose Your Personal Information?

Your personal information will not be sold, traded, rented or otherwise provided to others without your authorisation.

We will only disclose your personal information outside Beauty Aura and its related companies if it is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the purpose for which your personal information was collected pursuant to this Privacy Policy, including the provision of the Services, or a directly related purpose.

Beauty Aura recognises the trust with which individuals provide personal information, and such information will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes unless we believe on reasonable grounds that you have provided your authorisation. However you should be aware that we may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent in order to comply with any court orders, subpoenas, or other legal processes or investigations including by tax authorities, if such disclosure is permitted or required by law, or if we consider it necessary to lessen a serious threat to a person’s or the general public’s life or health or safety. Where possible and appropriate, we will notify you if we are required by law to disclose personal information.

International Data Transfers

In connection with providing our Services, you accept that your personal information may be disclosed or transferred to, or processed in, countries other than New Zealand or Australia. We may provide your personal information to third parties in countries other than New Zealand or Australia if we have reasonable grounds to believe the recipient is required to protect your personal information in a way that, overall, provides comparable safeguards to those required by New Zealand’s Privacy Act 2020.

However, there may be differences between New Zealand’s privacy laws and those of overseas countries in which we may store and process your personal information. If we cannot ensure that the recipients in those countries are required to protect your personal information using comparable safeguards to those under New Zealand’s privacy laws, we will only provide your personal information to such recipients if you authorise us to do so.

Storage and Security of Personal and or Sensitive Information

Beauty Aura is committed to protecting the security of your personal information and we take reasonable steps to protect it from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We implement and maintain organisational and technical security measures that are designed to provide reasonable protection against the loss, interference or misuse of your personal information and to prevent unauthorised access, modification or disclosure of that information, some of these measures include:

Our data is stored on secure servers, if in digital format, including on servers located in the United States, or in locked areas in controlled facilities if in hardcopy format.

Beauty Aura employees and data processors are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal and/or sensitive information held by Beauty Aura.

We destroy or de-identify personal information we no longer need or we are no longer required by law to keep, wherever possible.

Email, Text and Telephone Communications from Beauty Aura

We are committed to full compliance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007.

By subscribing to emails and/or text communications, or otherwise providing your email address and/or mobile number, to Beauty Aura you consent to receiving emails and/or texts (as the case may be) which promote and market our products and services, or the products and services of others, from time to time.

You can unsubscribe from our email communications and/or text communications at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link in any promotional or marketing email or text received or by emailing

Once you have unsubscribed from the marketing communications, you will be removed from the corresponding marketing list as soon as is reasonably practicable.

Use of Tracking Technologies

Beauty Aura uses tracking technologies such as cookies or web beacons to make use of the website and services as convenient as possible. Cookies are pieces of information that a web site transfers to a computer’s hard disk for record keeping purposes. Web Beacon is a technical method that sends information related to the access to websites, when you browse websites, open or preview an HTML-formatted email. Most web browsers are set to accept tracking technologies such as cookies or web beacons. These tracking technologies do not themselves personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s browser. These tracking technologies allow Beauty Aura to monitor the Beauty Aura website, and to record how many people are using the different parts of the site. It is possible to set the browser to refuse tracking technologies such as cookies or web beacons, however, this may limit the services provided by Beauty Aura website.

On our website we may provide you with links to third party websites. These websites may use cookies. It is the responsibility of those third parties to collect appropriate consents from you in order to permit their own cookies (to the extent this is required by law) and to inform you about the cookies they use. You should check the privacy policy on all third-party websites to ensure you are comfortable with third party cookies.

We have no responsibility for linked websites and provide them solely for your information and convenience. We specifically disclaim responsibility for their content, privacy practices and terms of use, and we make no endorsements, representations or warranties about their accuracy, content or thoroughness. Your disclosure of personal information to third party websites is at your own risk.

Access and Correction of Your Personal Information

It is your responsibility to ensure that the personal and/or sensitive information you provide is accurate, complete and up to date.

Individuals have the right to request access to the personal and/or sensitive information that may we hold about you, and you may ask us to restrict or cease processing your personal information or even delete your personal information, by submitting a written request for such access to your local clinic.

We will review your request as soon as reasonably practicable to comply with our legal obligations. If we are unable to give you access to the information you have requested, we will give you reasons for this decision when we respond to your request.

You should be aware that any deletion or amendment of your personal information may result in Beauty Aura being unable to provide you with the Services.


The length of time we keep your personal information depends on what it is and whether we have an ongoing business need to retain it (for example, to provide you with a service you’ve requested or to comply with applicable legal requirements such as money laundering and financial reporting legislation).

We’ll retain your personal information for as long as we have a relationship with you and for a period of time afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it, in accordance with our internal retention policies and practices. Following that period, we’ll make sure it’s deleted or anonymised. Otherwise, as a general rule, we only keep your personal information for as long as we require it for the purposes of providing you with our Services.

Privacy Officer

We take your concerns seriously. If you have any questions, concerns or want to obtain further information regarding the use or collection of your personal information by Beauty Aura or about privacy, please contact our Privacy Officer at

We may request that you provide us with your questions or concerns in writing. We will respond as soon as possible (our target response is 20 working days) and handle all complaints in a way that is fair and consistent.

However, if you are not satisfied with our response, you can make a formal complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (visit or call 0800 803 909 for further information).